Chemical Peels
Our Skin Peel Course is an intensive advanced facial skincare training course that will teach you to deliver these in-demand treatments with confidence.
As huge innovations within skin technology and products are made, making these treatments more effective but also more comfortable on client's skin; skin peels are seeing a huge revival in popularity. Skin peels, often known also as 'chemical' peels work to exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells using specialised products applied topically to the skin. Many different types of natural acids are used in these treatments, with the peel being superficial in nature and while deeply exfoliating and rejuvenating for the surface of the skin, peeling is no longer observed using modern skin peel products. On this course you will work with products including glycolic, lactic, and salicylic acid; learning to mix peels and use pre-mixed products. You will be taught how to confidently combine skin peels to address different skincare concerns and conditions, using facial peels to extend the efficacy of your existing facial treatments.
Course content and learning outcomes:
Health and safety
Code of practice for hygiene in beauty salons
Sterilisation and disinfection
Appearance of the therapist
Hand washing
What are chemical peels
Skin ageing
Free radicals
Fitzpatrick skin types
Glycolic Acid
Lactic Acid
Tartaric Peel
Malic Acid
Phytic Peel
Mandelic Peel
Enzyme Peels
Salicylic Peel
PHA Peel
Azelan Peel
TCA Peels
Jessner Peel
Treatment protocols